
new publishing talk

Phew – did you make it over here? Well done. This is the first post on the new domain – and you’re very welcome. Do you like the way we’ve redecorated? The colour scheme should, at least, be a little easier to read. We’re still testing and tweaking, so please consider this a beta for now, and feel free to let me know if you come across any major bugs or problems. Most of the links from the old blog should automatically redirect here; and the RSS feed and email subscriptions should be unaffected.
OK, so, vous-êtes prêt? On y va.
First of all, many thanks to everyone who filled in our Reader Survey last month. The data is in, the count has been verified, and an independent adjudicator has pulled a name out of the hat… and the winner is… (drum roll)…
Sylvia Petter! Congratulations Sylvia – the iPod is on the way to you as we speak. Sylvia is one of our Facebook Group members, and an Australian writer living in Austria – nicely illustrating what an international lot we are. I’ll let you have some headline results of the survey on here soon, including where in the world we come from.
Speaking of the Facebook Group, we now have over 1,000 members; and a new MySpace Group to boot. We’re still also on Twitter and YouTube; and we now even have a Flickr account (albeit with no pictures just yet!).
And speaking of iPods, the podcast should start later in the year, and you’ll be able to catch it here as well as on your MP3 player. Meanwhile, there’s a sneak preview of our theme tune on the website (can you find it?).
It’s all go at Publishing Talk Towers. More news as it happens. Meanwhile, it’s back to the blog: talk to you soon!

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Jon Reed

Jon Reed is a content writer, author, screenwriter, lecturer, blogger - and the founder of Publishing Talk. He was previously a publisher for 10 years. Publishing Talk aims to help new and emerging authors write, publish and sell books. Advice is available via the blog and our masterclasses and membership programme. More...

3 thoughts on “new publishing talk

  • The IPod arrived! It’s beautiful. Thank you, Jon. And the colour is a great green.

  • Jon
    Congratulations! Looks fantastic and great to see so many people having a chat. And I love the fact that I’m immediately below Seth Godin on the Blogroll – thanks for the mention!

  • Hi Jon,
    The new site looks fabulous! Can’t wait for the podcasts to begin.

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